Terms and Conditions
By using our services, you agree to these conditions. These terms and conditions are complementary to the policies of cookies, data protection, and privacy. If you do not agree with these conditions, do not use OurTrip's services.
1. Roles in these Terms
1.1. OurTrip:
1.1.1. Data: OURTRIP VIAGENS E TURISMO LTDA - OURTRIP, a private legal entity registered under CNPJ No. 39.860.794/0001-07, headquartered at Estrada dos Victor's, 220 - room 04, Recanto dos Victor's, Cotia/SP.
1.1.2. Acts as a platform for intermediation of lodging reservations and has no influence on the particular conditions established by each Supplier, Providers of Lodging Services, thus cannot alter the rules or bear any responsibilities resulting from them.
1.2. Client "You":
1.2.1. Refers to the user of the services offered by OurTrip through its website, www.ourtrip.com.br and/or the OurTrip app for mobile phones, whether an individual or legal entity. Client: you, who acquire our lodging intermediation services through the website www.ourtrip.com.br and other platforms that are directed.
1.3. Third Party
1.3.1. Any person who is not you (unknown or known).
2. Registration
2.1. Use of the Platform
2.1.1. The information you enter during registration must be exact, precise, and authentic, and you hereby declare yourself responsible and capable of responding civilly and criminally for the veracity of these data. If duplicate registrations with the same CPF or CNPJ are identified, they will be blocked or deleted without prior notice. All data entered at the time of purchase of the lodging must coincide with the travel documentation of the guests who will enjoy the reservation.
2.1.2. You will access your account on OurTrip through your previously registered email (login) and password, committing not to provide this data to third parties.
2.1.3. You will be responsible for always keeping all information updated as well as informing, immediately, any verified modification, especially your contact phones, electronic and physical address.
2.1.4. You are obliged to use the platforms and Internet applications of OurTrip in a way that does not cause harm to any rights or interests of third parties and OurTrip, or in any way that may cause damage, overload, disable or prevent its regular operation.
2.1.5. It is especially forbidden to propagate content, links, or any type of materials that may contain or corroborate the dissemination of viruses or other malicious computer programs, which may cause damage to the sites, platforms, and Internet applications of OurTrip, or even to other users.
2.2. Data Collection and Electronic Communications
2.2.1. For your request for intermediation of issuance, cancellation, or rescheduling of lodging acquired through OurTrip, as long as it is feasible for the chosen rate and service type, we will use your registration data, as well as the data of the guest(s) and/or companion(s) entered in your registration for the verification of this request. Thus, your data will be provided to the service provider holder for the viability of fulfilling the requested. OurTrip will take all possible measures for the security of your data and requests for their deletion. However, the management and storage of data necessary for the fulfillment of the services you have selected is the responsibility of the respective provider, and it is up to them to handle and comply with requests for deletion of these data.
2.2.2. By using any of our services, you are authorizing us to send you electronic communications via email, text message (SMS), WhatsApp, "push" messages in applications, internet browsers and promotions, as well as mailings to your registered address.
2.3. Restriction or Deletion of Registration
2.3.1. OurTrip reserves the right to cancel, suspend, deactivate, block, or unilaterally terminate your access to the platform, with unilateral termination of the Terms, if: (i) any violation of legal norms is identified; (ii) your actions violate the provisions of these Terms; (iii) if you cause any direct or indirect damage to OurTrip, its users, or third parties; (iv) if your login on our platform or attempt to register bears any resemblance to our brand and domains; or (v) in other cases where OurTrip, at its sole discretion, deems it necessary. In case of violations of current legislation, OurTrip may still adopt the applicable administrative or judicial measures. If OurTrip identifies suspected fraud, or any violations of this term, as well as the need for data validation for the security of the purchase, it may cancel the registered purchase or sale transaction, even if services have already been issued. OurTrip also reserves the right to signal to the client that they present or regularize the necessary information to prove the veracity of the transaction or regularization of their registration, thus avoiding losses both to OurTrip and third parties. OurTrip also informs that if in any of its domains and social networks profanity, explicit sexual discourse, hate speech, prejudiced comments, threats or violence, disclosure of personal data, personal attacks on employees or third parties, promotion of illegal activities (e.g., drugs and prostitution), websites, emails and addresses, phone numbers and credit card data are identified, it will apply the measures detailed in the above items (2.3.1. and
2.3.2. You may also request the deletion of your account through the email contato@ourtrip.com.br but it may be necessary for us to temporarily save some of your data to comply with some required regulations, as soon as possible these data will be permanently deleted. To delete data registered on third-party platforms, such as hotel chains, loyalty programs, among others, you will need to request directly to them.
3. Services and User Obligations
3.1. Services intermediated by OurTrip
3.1. Services intermediated by OurTrip will only be valid when made available on the platform(s) owned by this company, either for the realization of your purchase request through the platform itself or official directions to the respective suppliers advertised on OurTrip.
3.1.1. The prices and rules available on our platform for a stay are established based on travel providers and may result in restrictions and special conditions, such as non-cancellable and non-refundable reservations. Therefore, you should carefully check the conditions and specificities of the product, service, feasibility of reservations before requesting your service, as well as promotional rules.
3.2. Accommodation Services
3.2.1. By selecting an accommodation offer, you agree to pay all fees related to this service, including the daily rate, applicable fees, such as OurTrip's service fee; at times, a security deposit may be charged, information that is detailed on our platform. There are cases where some fee or service may be charged directly by the hotel and these may not be visible on OurTrip's platform, and we are not responsible for extra charges like this. For this reason, we always advise the client to contact the accommodation directly to request more details and information.
3.2.2. If you have a reservation and decide to stay at the location after the checkout date, the company owning the accommodation, of the services, may require your departure, according to local legislation, including imposing penalties for excessive stay.
3.3. General Obligations
3.3.1. Documentation and Rules for your trip. Before requesting services with OurTrip, whether for you and/or any guests entered in your registration, check all the requirements that involve your trip, whether national or international, such as documentation, visas, health surveillance requirements, necessary vaccines, medical certifications, among other documentation that may be required. If you or any guest listed in your registration has any particular health condition, also check the requirements of medical fitness certificates or documentation with the chosen accommodation or responsible local bodies. If your registration includes guests who are infants or minors, contact your accommodation directly and check in advance all documentation rules for their accommodation. Children accommodated in special condition and/or courtesy do not have a guaranteed bed during the accommodation. Usually, hotels grant this type of benefit when children are accommodated together with the parents. If you wish to guarantee beds for all members of the reservation, look for the nomenclature that meets your reservation profile. Ex: 2 adults and 1 child = Triple Room, 2 adults and 2 children = Quadruple Room.
3.3.2. Accommodation: check with your accommodation location the rules for storing your luggage, or what can be kept in the room, such as availability of safes, valuables, and consumption.
3.3.3. Presentation at the accommodation. If you do not show up on the date and time of your stays, the accommodation may cancel your reservation and consider it as a "No Show" without the right to total or partial refund.
3.3.4. Situations that are not intermediated by OurTrip. We are subject to the limitations stipulated in these terms and conditions, within the measures of the service providers' rules, we are only responsible for direct damages suffered, paid, or incurred by you due to a failure attributed to our obligations regarding our intermediation services, since our services are restricted only to the intermediation service. Thus, our company cannot control and manage situations such as: your non-attendance to stay or use any of the services, overbookings (overbooking), strikes, judicial recovery or bankruptcy of the accommodation or service providers, force majeure or any other event that is beyond our control.
4. Payment Methods
4.1. Accommodation Services
4.1.1. The prices and payment methods are available in each service on our website www.ourtrip.com.br or on the direction platforms whenever they come from our official page.
4.1.2. If you have credit or Tripcash to use on OurTrip's platform, this will not be cumulative with promotional coupons, as well as the coupons you may eventually have, are also not cumulative, that is, they must be used individually, within the validity rules and specifics of each promotional campaign.
4.1.3. The client will only be able to use the Tripcash balance as a payment method by accessing the website www.ourtrip.com.br directly. It will not be possible to use this payment method when the client is referred by direction platforms, meta-search engines, or partner sites such as (but not limited to) Trivago, Google...
5. Change or Cancel Services
5.1. General Rules
5.1.1. Cancellations and changes of services are subject to the specific rules exposed in the offer or even before the requirements of lodging service providers.
5.1.2. For cancellation or change requests to be considered valid, the client must send the email from the same account that is on their platform registration and, if the contact is made via WhatsApp, the client must obligatorily use the number that is on their registration. This same rule applies to any other customer service or support flows.
5.1.3. Upon being found that payments have been suspended on the card used for the purchase, if any services to be fulfilled have been issued, they will be immediately canceled. In no way will the responsibility towards service providers and OurTrip be prevented in cases where cancellations are unfeasible without charges/penalties.
5.2. Accommodation Services
5.2.1. The rules for rescheduling and canceling a trip depend on each contracted service provider, such as third-party suppliers, hotels, among others. The possibility of cancellation or change and, in that case, the penalties applicable to each service and the policies of the selected accommodation are informed in the offer, OurTrip does not manage the rules of each service and any exception to these conditions must be authorized by the supplier responsible for the reservation.
5.2.2. In cases of regret of your purchase, your contract will be duly terminated observing the rules: (i) OurTrip intermediates the purchase and respectively this cancellation, so the intermediation fee provided before the conclusion of your purchase may be charged; (ii) OurTrip will validate your cancellation request without fees with the supplier responsible for the reservation; (iii) to change or cancel your accommodation services, read the rules before your purchase, as well as your purchase confirmation email and follow the instructions to do so. Therefore, it is very important that you carefully read the cancellation and rescheduling policies, (pre) payment and after the confirmation of your purchase.
5.3. Refunds and Payments
5.3.1. The amounts of refunds and payment for contracted services, when applicable, will only be made to the Registration Holder in a checking account for cases made by bank transfer, Pix or boleto (bank slip); for payments made by credit card, it will be returned to the holder of the credit card used. In cases where OurTrip becomes aware that there was a death/disability of the registration holder, any amounts when eligible for refund will only be returned upon proof of public representation documentation, such as to their estate. In the case of guests/companions, it will be refunded to the registration holder.
5.3.2. The deadlines for refunding amounts paid for cancellation of accommodation services are subject to the rules of your fare and payment method. In general terms, the deadline or refund request is up to 10 business days, except for cases provided for in any specific legislation in force at the time your reservation was made. Possible refunds from credit card payments, in addition to the expected time for this to occur, must be added an additional 90 (ninety) days, according to the operator and depending on the cut-off date of the statement of the card used.
5.3.3. If you find fraud or unauthorized use of your credit card, various banking payment operations and/or access to your account by third parties, it is necessary to check with your bank and your credit card company. It will be necessary to send proof that you really did not generate this charge, so we can block this registration, we only have management of value cancellation if by some fatality it came from an error in our system, otherwise it will be necessary to manage with your own bank or card operator. Remembering that we will make every effort to cancel any services that result from fraud, which will be possible if the services have not yet been issued or used; if they have already been, as intermediaries, we will have to cancel according to the rules and fees of the respective services.
5.4. Charges
5.4.1. If you or the third party who authorized the use of the referred card cancels any credit card or suspends one or more payments made in the issuance of your services here at OurTrip, you must contact us as soon as possible to regularize this debt, including our service fees since the intermediation was carried out.
5.4.2. If you issue a payment suspension alert in which the services you contracted are still active, the holders of these services, for security measures, may immediately cancel such services, which will reflect a total loss of what you contracted as well as our service fee—which is included in the cancellation rules and fees that affect the contracted service.
5.4.4. Amounts not regularized at OurTrip within the stipulated period will be subject to extrajudicial or judicial charges by the OurTrip extension team, as well as the generation of titles.
5.4.5. OurTrip, when there is any debt on your part, will contact you in which it will give you the opportunity to regularize, without generating any titles. Failure to pay the referred charge by the stipulated deadline for regularization will result in sanctions of value updates and default fines, which will be indicated in the referred charge document.
6. Tripcash
6.1. OurTrip reserves the right to change the policies relating to Tripcash according to its policies and strategies without prior notice.
6.2. The Tripcash bonus percentage may vary according to the sales channel and the campaign that is in force at the time.
7. Privacy
7.1. By making a lodging reservation, you agree to be bound by OurTrip's privacy policy which is also available on the website https://www.ourtrip.com.br/politica-de-privacidade.
7.2. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can request your removal from the mailing list by unsubscribing in the email received, or if you have further questions, you can contact us via Chat.
8. Support Channels
8.1. OurTrip does not have external sellers, nor does it carry out communications such as payment collections via WhatsApp and channels outside OurTrip's domain.
8.2. Questions, requests for changes, rescheduling and cancellation or any other communication, should be sent to our support which operates from 09:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from 09:00 to 14:00 through the email contato@ourtrip.com.br.
9. Changes to the Terms
9.1. These terms and data protection policies may undergo changes and will be applicable at the time of using the services provided by OurTrip.
10. Intellectual Property
10.1. We emphasize that all information and content that is available through OurTrip's platform are protected by copyright laws and should not be used in any way other than as established in these Terms or with the written authorization of OurTrip. Images of people or arts, private photos displayed on the Platform, are property of OurTrip and the use of these images by you or third parties is prohibited.
10.2. The same protections extend to domains, email extensions of OurTrip, being prohibited creations or links of mentions with the words OurTrip, or even similar ones, that may cause confusion to other clients or even to OurTrip's collaborative staff.
10.3. Any unauthorized use may violate applicable laws and regulations, and may result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
10.4. If you or someone listed in your registration uploads photos/images/mentions in our system or social networks, you certify, warrant and agree that you own the copyrights of the photos/images/mentions and that you accept that OurTrip may use the photos/images/mentions sent to our application, mobile website, promotional materials (online/offline) and publications, in the way that OurTrip may publish in the way it deems most convenient and for an indefinite period, respecting the current legislation, without any compensation being due to you for their use.
11. General Provisions
11.1. OurTrip states that its intermediation activity in the commercialization of lodging reservations does not guarantee that the chosen destination does not present risks to the health and physical integrity of people. OurTrip is not directly or indirectly responsible for losses and damages that in any way you or those traveling with you may suffer before, during, or as a consequence of the chosen destination. OurTrip is not responsible for events related to fortuitous case, force majeure, act of the sovereign (fato do príncipe) and intrinsic conduct practiced by you or those traveling with you, which may happen before or during your trip, and which may eventually delay, interrupt or prevent its execution.
11.2. You are responsible for checking for updates to your internet browsing security to avoid any type of virus, and also the failures that result from your connection, that is, in your system or on its server, arising from your use or third parties, even if due to fortuitous case or force majeure.
12. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
12.1. These General Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Brazil.
12.2. For all matters relating to interpretation and compliance, the parties submit to the Central Court of the City of Cotia/SP, except with respect to claims presented by Users who fit the legal concept of consumers.
These Terms and Conditions were changed on 04/10/23.
Payment Methods

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